A couple of weeks ago I spent an afternoon shooting the setup shown in the image above with a range of lenses considered "normal" on 35mm, they ranged from 45mm to 58mm focal length including a few zoom lenses set at 50mm. Each lens was shot at every available aperture. The camera body I used was the Olympus E-P1 and focusing was at 10x magnification on the right eyelid of the "model". The camera was set to aperture priority ("A") mode and the resultant images show how the metering system coped with small apertures - generally the smallest aperture images were about 1 stop underexposed. The web size images aren't of any use to judge the resolution of the lenses but give an idea of how each lens renders the subject, e.g. bokeh. The "model" is about 2m from the camera and the far wall about 5m. Check out how the sticks in the vase, the aluminium foil on the stick, the specular reflections on the candelabra and the stripes of the wallpaper are rendered by different lenses at various apertures.
Follow this link to see the comparison.
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